Post Divorce Healing and Moving On....
The “D” WORD can be:
Disheartening, Damaging, Dreadful and Difficult I do understand but,
full of Delightful New Beginnings;
Discovery of what can be now,
Dynamic New Relationships and Opportunities,
Development of Personal Growth.
Everyone’s divorce story is different.
However you got here, the question is where do you go from here?
during and after your DIVORCE, with decisions, feeling stuck, changes, hard discussions with loved ones, and many other new or needed transitions that may affect you... Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually, Physically, Financially, Environmentally and Socially.
What can you expect from me?
A unique client-helper relationship and a powerful alliance
A non-judgmental partnership, that’s forward action-oriented and professional.
What can I do for you?
I help my clients better manage their lives, create greater fulfillment, identify and remove their blocks holding them back and create achievable goals with accountability to live happy, healthy and passionate lives.
How do I Coach my clients?
We focus on change and accept that change will always occur. And although change is not necessarily controllable, our impressions of it and reactions to it are.
The Coaching Process helps clients not only manage but thrive, in the face of change. I will help you create and experience the life of your choosing.
I will be ready to treat you with the respect and sensitivity you need during the next steps in your life’s journey.