Lets clarify what coaching is and what it is not / The difference between the following services are.....
Therapy - help clients fix problems, overcome issues, manage mental illness. Usually from past issues.
Sports Coaching - based on competition or focused on winning.
Friendship - Valuable but not a trained professional who you can work with you on the most important aspects of your life-without giving you his/her own personal advice. May also fear issues to be honest about, or fear of hurting your feelings.
Mentoring - role model who’s “been there and done that” and will “show you the ropes”
Consulting - agenda and possible answers. You pay for an someones elses plan of action.
Coaches - do NOT see anything as a problem, only as an opportunity. Coach’s help people think and create a win- win scenarios for all involved. Coaches do not use their own personal experiences as a model of success for clients. We are experts in the coaching “process “and helps the client on any topic. Coaches focus on solutions, not dwell on the past nor try to analyze behavior. Most importantly all answers come from within YOU and each session is a forward action progress.
The must haves in a coaching relationship are the following ….
Working arrangements
Meeting clients expectations
Designing the alliance
Finding the clients values
Developing the initial plan

Andrea's Core Energy Coaching process and personal style made me accountable to see my actions and reach my goals faster and clearer.
Andrew B, Orthopedic Sales
#1 National Sales Rep. In company 2015