Getting Relationship & Dating Ready
Get Relationship Ready….. Starting with You!
We all want and need love, friendships and happy healthy relationships in our life, but sometimes it seems so hard and confusing.
Good, healthy lasting relationships start with your relationship within yourself first, than the other relationships will follow. Knowing who you are, what you want, need and respecting your own values.
In this program you will learn:
Who AM I - strengths and gaps.
Energy Matters - Negative and positive .energy -what it is, where it comes from, how to see it, change it and grow from your awareness.
Removing Barriers & Blocks - that hold you back and keep you stuck- we will identify them and work though them. Including, trust.
Influences -that determine how you show up and are present to all you do and get.
Wants vs Needs - what you must have or know about yourself so you can vet what's best for you with others. creating a personal mission statement
Accountable Plan- that's achievable & fun for you to want to do and make internal changes for external results.
Journaling -for growth
Follow up/ follow through/ accountability on all, is a must.
This Core Energy Coaching Process is where you can start to have what you dream about; think you deserve and wonder why you don’t have already.
Let me show YOU that you can!
Limited Special
$450. (Regular $850.) – this is a powerful one month coaching experience.
IN office (in person) or over ZOOM- you choose.