3 Divine Secrets To Multiply Your Influence, Impact & Income
by Andrea Pollara, Business & Life Coach
In this Coach Program you will learn the secrets on how YOU CAN IMPROVE YOUR BUSINESS IMPACT, INCOME AND INFLUENCERS each week. Coach Andrea Pollara will share a Billionaire's secrets with you.
Get ready for the change you need to move forward and stay focused.
Coach Andrea will teach you:
How to get ORGANIZED in 15 mins.
How to PRIORITIZE with 3 questions
How to STAY FOCUSED on task daily
What you must AVOID to get it done!
If any of these statements sound familiar, this program is for you.
"I don't know where to start." or "There just isn't enough time in the day." or "If only I had a plan of action." or " I am not sure if what I am doing will create results?" or " Am I using my time on the right activities?" or I'm just overwhelmed, so I don't do anything at all." or "I write my goals down, but I never really achieve them." or "I feel stuck on what direction or activity to do each day." and so on.
Click here to schedule your Four Coach Sessions